Behind this window of mine,i never really realised it was frosted or covered with dust,for i thought i saw clearly everything behind it.How naive i am,or should i say was,to not realise that humans,seek to hide behind a veil and of cause potray a picture perfect of themselves.What disgusts me was probably the fact that when probed about an act committed,the person denies flatly,which makes it all hypocritical.
Why bother doing it in the first place,when you're afraid of people knowing it?Maybe it's just your luck,that the other person loves to boast.Anyway all i can say is that i'm probably gutted,and disgusted.Argh,anyway thats besides the point,as a friend i always thought better of you.
And hey it's Valentine's Day yet again tomorrow!Time truly flies,the last one seemed near enough for me to run through my mind flawlessly,every single and intricate detail,but i shan't go into that.And yes!I have a date!While most of you guys and girls are probably walking around aimlessly deciding on where to go,and probably running through a make-shift conversation in your heads to clear any awkwardness,i'd be sitting in the lecture hall with future prospects running through mine.
University talks tomorrow,and a cca thats even more compulsory for me since i've missed today's training.Haven't exactly been well this past few days,and it's probably due to Ben the carrier of the flu virus.Life's looking down once again,i swear my heart stopped in it's tracks for a moment or two when i saw ben's planner.We have like a common test coming up right after Chinese New year,and that just dampens all the festive mood.Imagine mugging while visiting, and only stopping once in a while to stick out both hands and saying " Thank you auntie/uncle!Xin Nian Kuai Le!" (Topped with an extra wide smile of cause)
And i have to probably start memorising all the different variations of well wishes,stuff like "Long Ma Jin Shen" (eh i think it means energy of a dragon and horse or something like that) and probably Happy Cny in canto and hokkien,etc just to please the different people.And i guess the usual stuff is probably gonna come,comments like,"Wah you sure have grown,the last time i saw you.. ... ... .. Don't you remember me?When you were a kid... ... ... .."And meeting all the long distance relatives is gonna be awkward,cause to start if off i don't even know how to address them.Well looking at the bright side,i can take comfort at the fact that i'm receiving some form of income for my pockets that are decorated with holes aplenty.An everlast jacket and two Topshop shirts have probably emptied my account,and up till now i still can't bring myself to check the balance in it.Like they say,'Sometimes,ignorance is a bliss'. =)
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